In 2015, the Blanche appellation (AOC) emerged with a bold mission – to carve a niche in the burgeoning white spirits movement and make a splash among mixologists behind the bar.
Traditionally, Armagnac producers reserved freshly distilled eau-de-vie, particularly for culinary endeavors. However, despite these efforts, the concept failed to gain widespread recognition.
The culprit? A lack of awareness about this exquisite distillate beyond the region, calling for a touch of education..
So, what is brandy? Simply put, it's distilled fruit juice. Armagnac, on the other hand, is a grape (or blend of grapes) wine. Now, enter Blanche d'Armagnac, an unaged rendition of the renowned brown spirit.
The magic lies in its versatility – from crafting inventive cocktails to elevating gastronomic desserts or savoring it over ice, the possibilities are endless.
Blanche d'Armagnac isn't just a drink; it's a unique concept, representing France's oldest spirit in its modern form.
Elusa invites you to transcend time with each sip, an opportunity to savor the essence of history in a glass. Cheers to a timeless experience!